
A situação actual

Escolas para o Século XXI - Consulta pública da Comissão Europeia sobre o ensino a nível da UE. Os problemas são de conhecimento público, infelizmente uma preocupação sem solução até à data. Os números são relevantes, afectando o futuro, porque o caminho aponta para a crescente necessidade de pessoas com conhecimentos técnicos e específicos.

Os contributos sobre 8 áreas consideradas essenciais, podem-se expressar em eac-schools-consult@ec.europa.eu, até 15 de Outubro, em qualquer língua língua oficial da UE, sob a forma de uma resposta a 8 questões.

1 Key Competences for all
2 Preparing Europeans for Lifelong Learning
3 Contributing to sustainable economic growth
4 Responding to challenges in our societies
5 A School for all
6 Preparing young Europeans for active citizenship
7 Teachers – key agents for a change
8 Helping school communities to develop


1. How can schools be organised in such a way as to provide all students with the full
range of key competences?
2. How can schools equip young people with the competences and motivation to make
learning a lifelong activity?
3. How can school systems contribute to supporting long-term sustainable economic
growth in Europe?
4. How can school systems best respond to the need to promote equity, to respond to
cultural diversity and to reduce early school leaving?
5. If schools are to respond to each pupil's individual learning needs, what can be done
as regards curricula, school organisation and the roles of teachers?
6. How can school communities help to prepare young people to be responsible
citizens, in line with fundamental values such as peace and tolerance of diversity?
7. How can school staff be trained and supported to meet the challenges they face?
8. How can school communities best receive the leadership and motivation they need to
succeed? How can they be empowered to develop in response to changing needs and

Documento de apoio com as oito questões relevantes- COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER SCHOOLS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY

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